General & Legal Page

Frequently Asked Questions

What is LMCT+?

LMCT+ is Australia’s Original, Biggest and Best rewards club. We have partnered up with 600+ (and growing) Aussie businesses to give our customers exclusive discounts and also awesome prizes. Since starting in 2018 we’ve given away over $ 15 million in prizes and had over 300 winners with prizes ranging from cars,bikes boats and house, and we are just getting started

What is the LMCT+ Loyalty Membership?

The LMCT+ Loyalty membership is a great way to get access to our member offers. It’s a monthly subscription that gives you access to the LMCT+ Members Portal where you can save from official business partners and also receive 1 accumulating entry per month into every single LMCT+ promotion, even the one-day promotions. This is all from $19.99 per month and you can cancel anytime.

How do we Access the Discounts and keep up to date with LMCT+?

That is SIMPLE, if you purchase a package you'll be added to our mailing list and also receive login details to your LMCT+ Members Portal and Mobile App (android and ios). When you are there you can access the discounts from our official partners, update your details if need be and also see our upcoming special offers and promotions.

What happens if i upgrade/downgrade my membership?

If a LMCT+ Loyalty Member decides to upgrade their membership, that will come into effect on your next billing cycle. Once that comes to effect you will receive the amount of entries and access associated with that membership tier. If we generate a new promotion you will receive entries for that tier. If a Loyalty Member decides to downgrade their membership, that comes into effect on the next billing cycle and if we generate a new promotion you’ll receive access and entries based on that tier.
How the system generates entries are based on 2 factors:

1= The months you’re an active member

2= The highest tier you are on, at the time of generating entries

For example, if you are on premium for 4 months that is 16 entries, then you drop down to the entry-level for your 5th month. If we generate entries for a promotion you’ll receive 5 entries.
Now if you upgrade again for your 6th month, and we generate entries you’ll then receive 21 entries.

What does Accumulating Entries never Expire mean?

The longer you are an LMCT+ Loyalty Member the more entries you’ll accumulate. Entries always accumulate by the month you are a member, but they are generated based on 2 factors, The months you’ve been a member and the highest tier you are on at the time of entry generation/promotion going live.

For example, if you are on premium for 4 months that is 16 entries. Then you you change your membership to the entry-level membership for your 5th month. If we generate entries for a promotion while you’re on the entry-level tier you’ll receive 5 entries.
Now if you upgrade again for your 6th month, and we generate entries you’ll then receive 21 entries.

How do I access my Membership Details on the portal and mobile app?

Mobile App: Once you download the mobile app click the Side Menu> Then Click membership> once there click on the card Icon and then Access Payment information, this will take you to the Stripe Account screen.

Web Portal: Login> click Profile> Click Membership> Then Access payment information

Note: If there is no payment information your account may be cancelled, please email

How do we know we are apart of the promotion?

The best way to know you are a part of the promotions is to login to the LMCT+ mobile app and check your entries there. you should also receive your entries via email but please check your junk and promotions folder 🙂

Do I have to be a LMCT+ member to enter and win?

Yes! members are in all draws, but if you want to take advantage of that promotion you can grab a once off package. Keep an eye out on your emails if you’ve purchased before as you’ll receive VIP offers

How many entries do I receive for being a LMCT+ Loyalty Member

The LMCT+ Loyalty Membership is very cool and unique. For example, if you sign up for the Entry level membership you’ll receive 1 entry valid for that month. Then every month you’re a member they accumulate ( 6 months a member = 6 entries)

Now if we generate entries for a giveaway or giveaways in that 6th month you’ll receive 6 entries for all those draws.

Another example is if you’re a Elite member, in 6 months you’ll have 60 entries into all draws

How do I know I’m in the draw?

After your purchase, you’ll receive welcome emails including login details for the LMCT+ Portal/Mobile APp where you can see your entries and you’ll also receive them in your email. If they are not in your inbox you can always check the junk or promotions tab in your email client.

If I do win, how am I contacted?

When you sign up to LMCT+ you’ll provide your contact details, these are what are used to contact you and if you are the lucky LMCT+ winner you’ll be contacted within 24-48 hours of the promotion drawing time. The major prize winners are contacted immediately during the live stream

How are the draws completed? How can I ensure I'm in the draw?

We use a digital draw system where your name goes into the draw x the number of entries that are associated with the package you purchase or the amount of entries you’ve accumulated as a loyalty member. The name is selected at random by a algorithm and the draw is visible to watch on the website or on our live streams. No more worrying about entry numbers or combinations. It’s just your name in the draw! Simple

Can anyone in Australia Win?

Yes, as long as you are within Australia and we can send you the prize if you win, you can enter. Best of luck!

Do I have to be over 18 to participate?

LMCTPLUS allows customers of all ages to access and utilize discounts at our partner stores. However, all giveaways, promotions, and competitions are strictly limited to individuals aged 18 and over. By participating in any promotion, you confirm that you meet the minimum age requirement and comply with all applicable terms and conditions.

Is there bonuses for being an LMCT+ Member?

Yes, every 6 months you can claim 10 free entries into a promotion of your choice. If you miss out on claiming it, you’ll need to wait until the next period.

For example, at 6 months you can claim 5 free entries into a promotion of your choice, at 12 months you can claim 10 entries into a promotion of your choice!

To claim these just email with proof of what milestone you are claiming and let them know what promotion you’d like to allocate them too! pretty cool aye 🙂

I no longer wish to be a member? How do I stop?

If you want to cancel, login to to the webportal and head to membership.

Who's behind LMCT+?

LMCT+ has grown to be a household name, along with the director Adrian Portelli, he’s the brains behind it all and with his team they’re able to keep bringing more value to YOU, LETS GOOOO

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You can read our Privacy Policy Here.

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You can read our Terms & Conditions Here.


If you have any queries, please send us an email at